School Chaplain
Our School Chaplain, Rhonda Miller, is here to support our students, staff and families Mondays to Fridays. The Chaplain's main role is to offer pastoral care to students through her interaction with teachers and parents.
If you feel like a chat or want some support or advice, please contact our School Chaplain on 6458 7709 or email either or
Contact can be made in person or by phoning the School. Read more about our Chaplain Rhonda Miller.
National Schools Chaplaincy Program
The Chaplain endeavours to organise and facilitate:
- Support for grief and loss: MPPS/MPSDC Rainbows Program Parent Letter and Permission slip 2023
- Breakfast Club: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.15am – 8.45am. All students are welcome, and they are expected to use AUSLAN sign language to order their food. Please encourage your child/ren to practise using AUSLAN so they are confident of using it at school and with the deaf or hard of hearing children and adults.
- Kidsport Applications – Representative Agent for Referrals
- referrals – counselling and family therapy, psychology
- advocacy – case management.
- The UPSTANDER Program This Program builds confidence and resilience in putting an end to anti-social behaviour and keeps kids feeling safe in school and out.
- GIVIT - a national not-for-profit connecting those who have with those who need, in a private and safe way
- Hoyoake Drumbeat Program: 2023 Drumbeat Parent Information and Permission Slip
- lunchtime activities
- After School Beginners Netball Clinic for Years 1 to 3: Information and Permission Slip 2023
- fundraisers such as Funky Hair Day, Bandanna Day, Worlds Biggest Morning Tea, Natural Disaster Appeals, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal, Salvation Army Blanket Appeal and Christmas Hampers
- social awareness programs : Harmony Day, NAIDOC,
Pastoral Care in Schools
YouthCARE Chaplains care for the social, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing of students, families and staff in public school communities throughout Western Australia. This support helps students achieve their potential, both academically and in their social and family lives.
Chaplains are qualified in pastoral care and youth work. They respect all people, no matter who they are, where they're from, or what their personal belief system is. If asked to do so, chaplains will discuss spiritual matters with a person, in a way that best serves that person.
In-school and Support chaplaincy are the current models developed by YouthCARE. These programs allow a greater number of schools to access pastoral care. Our In-school chaplains attend the same school two or more days per week, whereas Support Chaplains visit multiple schools for half to one day per week. This means schools that don't receive chaplaincy funding are still supported and benefit from everything our programs have to offer.
We currently have about 350 YouthCARE chaplains proudly working in 600 schools in WA.
Critical Incident Response Team
Pastoral Critical Incidence Response (PCIR) Chaplains provide emergency support during critical incidences including bushfires, sudden death, suicide and serious assault. They work alongside the government, other agencies like the Red Cross and professionals such as psychologists and social workers to help vulnerable people cope with these difficult situations. PCIR chaplains refer those affected by trauma to seek psychological, medical and other professional assistance.
Becoming a PCIR Chaplain involves thorough testing and ongoing training so that people facing trauma get the best possible help during a difficult time.