Farewell Alison Robb
At the assembly on 26 August we officially said goodbye to retiring Principal Alison Robb.
Principal since 2008 Ms Robb oversaw unprecedented growth at the school. When she commenced the school had approximately 150 students. She leaves the school with a thriving population of 450 students, along with a large amount of capital improvements at the school including the School Library, the Early Childhood block, the new administration offices, airconditioned classrooms, smart boards in all classrooms, vastly improved grounds and many other numerous projects. She also oversaw the introduction of a vast amount of curriculum programs and improvements, along with MPPS becoming an Independent Public School.
The assembly saw the Chair of the school Board Belinda Murray give a fabulous (and emotional!) speech highlighting Ms Robb's many achievements. It showed how respected Ms Robb is within the school community. The school Choir and Gardener (and Musician) Simon Goodridge performed wonderful musical tributes
A morning tea followed in the Library where Education Department North Metro Regional office Coordinator David Forster spoke of the respect for Alison and her achievements through her 20 year+ long career with the Education Department. Staff (current and past), along with members of the community and representatives from the Town of Mosman Park, also had a chance to say farewell and the staff put on a delicious morning tea to celebrate the occasion.
We will miss you Ms Robb, but wish you wonderful travels and adventures in your retirement!